God the Father of the Lamb, 
have mercy on us. 

God the Son, Sacrificial Lamb, 
have mercy on us. 

God the Holy Spirit, Life of the Lamb, 
have mercy on us. 

O Good Jesus, Shepherd of the just,
hear us. 

Vigilant Finder of lost sheep,
guide us. 

Fervent Hope of the fallen lamb,
guide us. 

Constant Gatherer of a broken flock,
guide us. 

O Good Shepherd,
hear Thy sheep. 

Purest shelter of the yearning heart,
feed us.

Perpetual Feast of the hungry soul,
feed us.

Lasting Bread of perfect Life,
feed us.

O Good Shepherd,
hear Thy sheep. 

Patient Tamer of rebellious wills,
shear us.

Loyal Teacher of all kind commands,
shear us.

Tender Purger of all blemish of sin,
shear us.

O Good Shepherd,
hear Thy sheep.

From the lures of false shepherds hiding in Thy guise,
protect us. 

From mirages of richer fields, conquering our minds,
protect us. 

From diseases of the soul, separating us from Thy flock, 
protect us. 

O Good Shepherd, at once the Guard and Lamb, 
Who knows well the sheep He leads, 
Guide us, feed us, shear us, 
and bid us come unto Thee, 
delighting in Thy Heavenly pasture, 
and praising Thee 
forever and ever.
